[ MM01 report and program |
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Program |
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How to get there |
What to pack |
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Mosquito Meeting '01
Räyskälä 28th June - 1st July 2001
Mosquito Meeting '01 is the Nordic Euro Convention for WW2 online flight sim fans. Come to see, feel and taste the atmosphere, some real aeroplanes and history on site. Get to meet the other dweebs of the skies and share your tactics in the scandinavian light and warm summer! Experience the unique midsummer nights, lakes and Finnish nature!
The traditional 7th annual Mosquito Meeting is arranged by Virtuaalilentäjät r.y. / Virtual Pilots Finland registered society and it is the oldest existing WarBirds/virtual pilots' convention. All WW2 online flight simulator fans are welcome to share the summer fun in this Thursday-Sunday meeting. In the meeting you have a possibility to fly with the best, the ugliest and the most modest real-life fighter pilots and to join real-life activities with real-life aeroplanes and real-life people!
Virtuaalilentäjät r.y. / Virtual Pilots Finland is a registered society that aims to bring the Finnish virtual pilots from different simulators and communities together. After all, it is the same hobby, it is no matter what simulator you fly. Our only requirement is that you are a online pilot who flies in the Internet. The society arranges meetings, conventions and other happenings, not forgetting our attempt to collect and store real aviation history. By bringing the virtual pilots and war pilots together we hope that both sides gain something. You can see the results of this action from our World War II History section.
See you all in MM01, Yours sincerely, Virtuaalilentäjät r.y.
Discussions and more information
If you need to ask anything, want information or just want to chat before the convention you can join us in the Virtual Pilots Finland general discussions forum: news://news2.netppl.fi/virtualpilots.general Virtual Pilots Finland general discussion forum.
Program and Events during the convention
Thursday 28th June |
| Convention begins when first persons arrive |
Friday 29th June |
13:00 | Glider flying. Gathering in aerodrome cafeteria. Buy a "esittelylentolippu" (flight ticket, 175,- FIM) at cafeteria and give that to the pilot. If weather is bad we will check the time tables for Saturday. |
19:00 | Dinner. Prepare earlier, this is in the aerodrome restaurant. Full plates & good food. Included in MM01 price. |
21:00 | Virtuaalilentäjät r.y. annual meeting |
Saturday 30th June |
| Guests, official programme, possible glider flights |
19:00 | Dinner. Prepare earlier, this is in the aerodrome restaurant. Full plates & good food. Included in MM01 price. |
21:30 | Aces High Snapshot Scenario: "Kieffer" |
Sunday 1st July |
| Convention ends at some time. |
All times in local time: GMT+2, CET+1, UTC+3 |
There is plenty to do like we have had always earlier. The arrangers will see that there is plenty of program. Look at the previous convention picture galleries and you'll get an idea of what may or may not happen... More information about the program in Mosquito Meeting '01 will be available here later so stay tuned.
Do you want to fly? We will have 1-4 two person gliders available during Friday/Saturday, naturally depending on the weather conditions. We will need to know how many visitors would like to fly, so we can check the availability of gliders and pilots with the aerodrome people. Please mention in your pre-registration/registration if you would like to fly for real and which day suits you better. The price is 175 FIM / person. Price is to be paid directly to the pilot. You will fly with a flight teacher and yes - you will be allowed to fly the plane yourself!
Some of the ideas and possibilities so far include: paintball fighting, as much sauna as you can stand, different competitions and so on. We will also attempt to have some lecturers visiting us and perhaps real World War II pilots as well. Nearby is the cottage of War Marshall Mannerheim, built for him in Eastern Karealia by the Army troops during WW2. There is a excellent restaurant, we hear, which would be a definite place to visit if we have non-Finnish visitors.
Mosquito Meeting '01 location and how to get there
The place is right next to Räyskälä aerodrome (EFRY) in southern Finland. Distance from Finland's capital Helsinki is 109 kilometers by car. The nearest major city is Riihimäki, 43 kilometers away. We will have very nice convention location, in middle of beautiful Finnish nature. There are sauna's available and a lake for swimming.
You can use the above maps if you arrive by your car. Additionally, you can use Tiehallitus' high quality maps: general area and zoomed map. Follow the road west from Riihimäki and you will see the aerodrome's location.
Foreigners: there are roughly three intelligent ways to come to Mosquito Meeting'01. 1: you fly and land to the aerodrome and jog to the convention. 2: You travel to Riihimäki (trains go very regularly from Helsinki and the train station is 15 meters from the place where bus from airport dumps you) - and take a taxi to the convention place. 3: You are 100% sure you will come, you have registered and we arrange you to a car pool to travel to MM'01 with the Finnish freaks. Check the discussion group for contacts.
You can arrive to the convention easily by any flying vehicle by coming to Räyskälä aerodrome (LAT 60 44 40 N, LONG 24 06 40 E). For airport details on including plane park and landing fees please contact airfield staff at jorma.laine@rayskala-saatio.inet.fi or tel. +358-400-4430087. Further details of the aerodrome click here. See the landing chart VAC-map. The field's homepage in Finnish.
How does one register to the event and how much does it cost?
The convention charge is 400,- (FIM) and the price covers food, drinks including all beer and FPO, accommodation, networking costs and other miscalleneous. In theory you do not need cash during the convention but it is wise to have some in the back pocket. The boxed games (such as WW2 Online), landing fees (if any) or other flying with real plane at the airport is not included but may be available at separate cost.
The registration is now (23-Jun-01) closed, for late registrations please contact Santtu Ahonen stu@compart.fi by email. If you have not yet paid your registration fee do it by Tuesday 26th June or pay in cash on site.
What to pack with you?
Accomodation will probably be in nice inside quarters. Finnish Army half platoon tents will be available as well. But remember, Mosquito Meeting is no hotel. You should bring your own clothing suitable for camping, also a sleeping bag is highly recommended. The Finnish summer can be very warm, even +30 celsius in the shade during the hot hours. On the other hand, it can be chilly +10 and raining... Also, the nights are very warm and light since the sun hardly goes below the horizon.
Essential equipment to pack:
- Money (Approx. ????) in some form, travellers checks are safe
- Casual clothing
- Towel, tools of personal hygienia
- Insurance
- Other travel documents, eg. passport and tickets
Secondary items to pack:
- Sleeping bag, matress
- Personal Computer
- Personal gamegear
- Rain gear, other than umbrella
To ensure you own flight experience and the times you desire we suggest you bring your own hardware (220V/50Hz) to the meeting. Bring all possible electrical and network cables and extension cords if you really WANT to be in the network or use your computer. Otherwise we can't guarantee you power or network. Further information about e.g. the network configurations will be mailed to you after registration.
Be aware that you are not insured by the arranging team. This means that you will attend the convention at your own risk (eg. of injury or your own equipment). We recommend that you consult your own insurance company for further details.
Guess why the meeting is called Mosquito Meeting? Where else can you expect to have millions of females flying with you? Yes, you can buy mosquito protection on site.
If you need further instructions or help on what to pack with you please contact us and we will help you out.
General instructions for the convention
Practically all Finns understand and most also speak English so you should not face any language problems nor do you need to learn Finnish to get around. In Helsinki most hotels, shops and offices can server you also in French, German and Russian languages. Also, 5% of Finnish people speak Swedish as their native language and a great majority of people will understand and speak Swedish well. Truly a language enabled coutry!
Finland is the Promised Land of cellular phones. Coverage is good, and this is about the normal way to make a call here. If you have a GSM card of your own, you can use it in here. (US phones do not work, though - GSM cards should fit local phones which can be rented from eg. the Helsinki railway station).
Probably needless to say, but email works as well. You need a connection which is arranged in MM01. For emergency use temporary Unix accounts can be arranged (these accounts will expire right after MM01).
Food and drink:
Our main source of nourishment will be the restaurant at the Räyskälä aerodrome. We will enjoy a warm meal there once a day and have breakfast and other snacks in the Mosquito location, prepared more in "do it yourself" style. All food is included in the entrance fee, of course, but if you want fancy things you can bring your own or use the aerodrome shop/restaurant. As traditionally, the beer and FPO are included in the the fee.
Food is safe in Finland, water in most lakes and normal faucet water is good for drinking too. Beer differs in taste and in strength from US beers, typical percentage is 4,5% of alcohol. Strong alcohol can only be bought from special shops, which can be found from almost everywhere. There is no such thing as decaffeinated coffee. Coffee is strong when compared to US coffee-like product. Drugs are highly illegal and not permitted in the meeting.
FPO stands for Flack Panzer Oil and it is world famous amongst the online simulator community. No, you will not be told how FPO is manufactured...
If I must recommend some special product to buy from Finland, it is the traditional Finnish knife. Another unique and usefull souvenir is the "kuksa", a wooden cup used to drink coffee and other hot drinks. At the begining the kuksa needs some special care but as long as you do not drink milk from it it is practically a life long investment.
Rules for the use of hardware: |
§1 | You must respect the wishes of the hardware owner in all circumstances. |
§2 | Do not touch to any hardware unless you have a written personal persmission from the hardware owner. Prior to the permission the owner will train you to use the unique hardware set (sticks etc). Each computer will have a list of allowed users. |
§3 | Computer configurations may not be changed in any way even if they seem funny or unlogical, many of us use the computer for work too. |
§4 | Eating and drinking is prohibited while using the hardware. The hardware owner can make exeptions to this rule. |
§5 | Respect other people using the hardware and do not disturb them or enter the no-go-zone around the hardware unless they ask you to. |
In order to make Mosquito Meeting '01 a memorable and pleasent experience for all participants the arranging team has set up eg. rules for the use of computers and other hardware that all participants are expected to follow.
The tents are for sleeping and silent meditation, respect other people wanting a moment of peace. Additionally to the rules written in here common sence and set of unwritten social behaviour rules apply.
The MM01 Duty Officer can and will take necessary action to maintain peace and good atmosphere. In the worst case the participant may be excluded from the meeting and sent home at his own cost. No fees will be refunded in such a case.
Our highly honorable sponsors (carefully unsorted):
The information on this page is subject to change without further notice. The Virtuaalilentäjät r.y. reserves all rights to change the pricing, programme and any other detail as necessary.