[ Discussion | Program | Price | Register | How to get there | What to pack | Other information | Last minute checklist | Sponsors ]
M osquito M eeting 2002
R äyskälä 27-30. June 2002


Mosquito Meeting '02 is the Nordic Euro Convention for WW2 online flight sim fans. Come to see, feel and taste the atmosphere, some real aeroplanes and history on site. Get to meet the other dweebs of the skies and share your tactics in the scandinavian light and warm summer! Experience the unique midsummer nights, lakes and Finnish nature!
2D Mosquito
The traditional 8th annual Mosquito Meeting is arranged by VirtuaaliLentoLaivue Icebreakers and Virtuaalilentäjät r.y. / Virtual Pilots Finland registered association. Mosquito Meeting is the oldest existing WarBirds/virtual pilots' convention in the world. All WW2 online flight simulator fans are welcome to share the summer fun in this Thursday-Sunday meeting and see other virtual pilots in person.

Virtuaalilentäjät r.y. / Virtual Pilots Finland is a registered society that aims to bring the Finnish virtual pilots from different simulators and communities together. After all, it is the same hobby, it is no matter what simulator you fly. Our only requirement is that you are a online pilot who flies in the Internet. The society arranges meetings, conventions and other happenings, not forgetting our attempt to collect and store real aviation history. By bringing the virtual pilots and war pilots together we hope that both sides gain something. You can see the results of this action from our World War II History section.

See you all in MM02,
Yours sincerely,
Virtuaalilentäjät r.y.

Discussions and more information

If you need to ask anything, want information or just want to chat before the convention, you can join us in the Virtual Pilots Finland general discussions forum: virtualpilots.general general discussion forum.
In case that link above doesn't seem to work, try this backup link.

Mosquito Meeting '01
See MM01 Online Reportage from Räyskälä
Urban Blitz 2002
See Urban Blitz 2002 Online Reportage from Tampere
Mosquito Meeting '00
See MM00 Online Reportage from Lieksa
Mosquito Meeting '98
See MM98 Online Reportage from Menkijärvi

Program and events during the convention

Guest of honor at MM02: Robert L. Shaw, US Navy (ret), author of Fighter Combat: Tactics and Maneuvering.

Other guests: Finnish Air Force WW2 pilots.

There will be plenty of activities to choose from, reports from previous meetings will give an rough figure on what to expect. Even if there is a lot to do, there is also time for socializing and relaxation.

Real life glider flights will be arranged during Friday and/or Saturday, depending on the weather conditions. Price for one flight (duration depends on weather and luck - best time to fly is on noon, as then there is a lot of good thermals) is not yet checked but it is reasonable. Price during MM01 was 185 mk.

Some other ideas at the moment: Paintball fights, sauna hot all the time, quizzes, head to head combat.. We will also try to get some real life WW2 pilots to visit us, and maybe some lecturers also. Rather close to the meeting site is the cottage of War Marshall Mannerheim, built for him in Eastern Karelia by the army troops during WW2. It is said that the restaurant in cottage of Mannerheim is really good, which is good to keep in mind if you happen to feel like it.
Thursday 27th of June
Sauna management: VLeLv Icebreakers
13:00Convention begins when first people arrive
13:05Network setup, finding accommodation
Friday 28th of June
Sauna management: LeLv 34
09:00Wakeup, hangover, breakfast
14:00Glider flying
17:00MM02 'opening' words
17:30RC flying competition part I
19:00Dinner at airfield restaurant
21:00Virtuaalilentäjät ry vuosikokous
22:00WW2OL tactics discussion
Saturday 29th of June
Sauna management: Crasher's Club
09:00Wakeup, hangover, breakfast
10:00Glider flying
13:00RC flying competition part II
15:00WarBirds classic (v1.11 or v1.99) duel
19:00Dinner at airfield restaurant
Sunday 30th of June
Sauna management: undecided
09:00Wakeup, hangover, breakfast
10:00WW2 pilot veterans visit, 10:00 or later)

All times in local time: GMT+2, CET+1, UTC+3

Mosquito Meeting '02 location and how to get there

The place is right next to Räyskälä aerodrome (EFRY) in southern Finland. Distance from Finland's capital Helsinki is 109 kilometers by car. The nearest major city is Riihimäki, 43 kilometers away. We will have very nice convention location, in middle of beautiful Finnish nature. There are sauna's available and a lake for swimming. Actual MM place consists of two buildings. One is the main MM place, which has a main hall and number of smaller rooms. Some of the smaller rooms will be used for computers alongside the main hall. One room will be used as movie theather, another as MM library. Rest are available for sleeping etc. Second building is for sleeping only. Sauna and the lake are right next to the main building. Aerodrome and eating facilities are 10 minutes walk away.

map01 map02 map03

You can use the above maps if you arrive by your car. Additionally, you can use high quality maps of Tiehallitus: general area and zoomed map. Follow the road west from Riihimäki and you will see the sign pointing the aerodrome's location. Actual MM'01 location, the Army camp, is just north of the airfield. Check the map at right. If you arrive from southern direction just pass the airfield. First crossroad on the left leads to the army area. Follow the road and twice left. And there you are!

Foreigners: there are roughly three intelligent ways to come to Mosquito Meeting'01.

1: you fly and land to the aerodrome and jog to the convention.

2: You travel to Riihimäki (trains go very regularly from Helsinki and the train station is 15 meters from the place where bus from airport dumps you) - and take a taxi to the convention place.

3: You are 100% sure you will come, you have registered and we arrange you to a car pool to travel to MM'01 with the friendly Finnish fellows. Check the discussion group for contacts.

You can arrive to the convention easily by any flying vehicle by coming to Räyskälä aerodrome (LAT 60 44 40 N, LONG 24 06 40 E). For airport details on including plane park and landing fees please contact airfield staff at jorma.laine@rayskala-saatio.inet.fi or tel. +358-400-4430087. Further details of the aerodrome click here. See the landing chart VAC-map. The field's homepage in Finnish.

How does one register to the event and how much does it cost?

Registration is CLOSED. You might still get in if you contact BlaukKreuz below and ask nice.

If you have questions about your registration or you are a latecomer please contact the registrations officer BlauKreuz. If you have any kind of problem with registration form, please contact BlauKreuz for registration.

The convention charges are as follows:

  • 70 euros - Virtuaalilentäjät ry member
  • 80 euros - a non member
  • 50 euros - foreigners and youth price for Virtuaalilentäjät ry youth members. Contact us to apply for youth price before registering/paying.
The price covers food, drinks (beer, etc. - soft drinks for youth, and this policy is enforced, kids), accommodation, networking and other nescessary costs. In theory you don't need any cash, but in practice you need it for bonus entertainment like flights or if there happens to be some stuff for sale you would like to buy.

The convention charge is to be paid to the bank account Nordea 125730-513202. Recipient Virtuaalilentäjät. Please DO remember to mention following in the money transfer: MM02 fee, your name, handle and email. Foreigners see note below.

Registration closed 12.6.2002.

NOTE! Foreign participants must send us their passport and possible visa (not the credit card) number in beforehand!

Note! Your registration is not valid until you have paid the participation fee (exception: Overseas travellers may pay on site) and sent the registration information. All of the registration form fields are mandatory. If you selected "Other" simulator you will need to send a separate email and explain what is the "Other" simulator and why YOU should participate, unless you are Virtuaalilentäjät ry member who has paid his membership fee for 2001/2002. MM02 is not only a WarBirds convention, all online flight simulator fans are welcome. The general rule for participation is that you need an active pay-to-play account in a online flight sim host (WB/AH/WW2OL), or you are member of an active online squadron (IL-2, EAW, CFS) and preferably a member of Virtual Pilots Finland.

In order to get Virtuaalilentäjät ry member discount, you must have paid the Virtuaalilentäjät ry 2001/2002 membership fee by 1.6.2002. If you haven't yet joined the club and don't remember how see Virtualpilots.fi.

The Virtuaalilentäjät r.y. and VLeLv Icebreakers reserves the right to limit the number of participants should there be too many registrations, late comers may or may not be dumped. To be on safe side, please sign in in time.

What to pack with you?

Accomodation will probably be in nice inside quarters. Finnish Army half platoon tents will be available as well. But remember, Mosquito Meeting is no hotel. Casual clothing is fine, you don't need any special gear. A sleeping bag is highly recommended for comfort. The Finnish summer can be very warm, even +30 celsius in the shade during the hot hours. On the other hand, it can be chilly +10 and raining... Also, the nights are very warm and light since the sun hardly goes below the horizon.

Note that you are not insured by arranging team, it is recommended that you have a freetime insurance that suits your needs when you come to the meeting - not that we would have had any incidents ever, but it is always good to be on the safe side. This means that you will attend the convention at your own risk (eg. of injury or your own equipment). We recommend that you consult your own insurance company for further details.

  Essential equipment to pack:
  • Money in some form
  • Casual clothing
  • Towel, tools of personal hygienia
  • Insurance, travel documents, eg. passport and tickets
Secondary items to pack:
  • Sleeping bag, matress
  • Personal Computer
  • Personal gamegear
  • Rain gear, other than umbrella
To ensure you own flight experience and the times you desire we suggest you bring your own hardware (220V/50Hz) to the meeting. Bring all possible electrical and network cables (RJ45, preferrably 3m or more) and extension cords if you really WANT to be in the network or use your computer. Otherwise we can't guarantee you power or network. Further information about the network configurations will be mailed to you after registration. MARK YOUR STUFF!

If you need further instructions or help on what to pack with you, please contact us and we will help you out.

General instructions for the convention

Network and hardware, what to bring:

  • RJ45 cables, long ones preferred, as we have to spread around
  • Computer, minimalistic configuration is practical
  • Extension cord
  • Prefer earphones over speakers
  • Drivers and configuration software for your hardware (specially network card)
  • HUB or SWITCH if you have one

Note: check before arriving that your network card is in 10M half duplex, just to minimize the amount of problems.

Most likely many people will be flying with your computer. So it is very kind to prepare your flight equipment with a premade paper that shows how you have programmed your stick. Most high end sticks can be programmed on the fly to one's favored settings. Machine owners should therefore keep their own programming files readily at hand, so you won't be at loss if someone has reprogrammed the stick. It is always VERY kind to ask permission first. CH stick users can find ready stick templates here for example: F-16 Fighterstick and Pro Throttle.

A request from the organizers: If you can select from a huge, large or normal monitor - please bring the normal monitor :-) It is hard to cram the computers into a limited space. Also any electric fans would be very useful. As you can imagine - or remember - the main convention room had som ewhat poor air conditioning and the heat even caused some computers to run badly. So bring your own air conditioning if you really intend to fly a lot.

Contact information
Arranging team: MM02 organizers
Jukka Kauppinen (Grendel)int+358-(0)40-730 0036
Tuomas Haarala (Lart)int+358-(0)40-545 1473
Timo Niiranen (Kossu)int+358-(0)50-330 0806
Addressed scrambled to avoid spam.
MM02 officers
MM02 CO: Jukka Kauppinen (Grendel)
MM02 XO: Timo Niiranen (Kossu)
MM02 registrations: Sami Kukkonen (BlauKreuz)
MM02 network: Tuomas Haarala (Lart)
MM02 beer: Moosefly squadron
MM02 general: Jussi Soini (Birra) & VirtuaaliTukiLentoLaivue
MM02 RC-flying: Ville Ranki (Cosmo)
MM02 online-reporter: position available

Practically all Finns understand and most also speak English so you should not face any language problems nor do you need to learn Finnish to get around. In Helsinki most hotels, shops and offices can server you also in French, German and Russian languages. Also, 5% of Finnish people speak Swedish as their native language and a great majority of people will understand and speak Swedish well. Truly a language enabled coutry!

Finland is the Promised Land of cellular phones. Coverage is good, and this is about the normal way to make a call here. If you have a GSM card of your own, you can use it in here. (US phones do not work, though - GSM cards should fit local phones which can be rented from eg. the Helsinki railway station).

Food and drink:

Breakfast at MM98, it may not be this fancy always but...
Making of FPO
Making of FPO, only partial truth shown.
Our main source of nourishment will be the restaurant at the Räyskälä aerodrome. We will enjoy a warm meal there once a day and have breakfast and other snacks in the Mosquito location, prepared more in "do it yourself" style. All food is included in the entrance fee, of course, but if you want fancy things you can bring your own or use the aerodrome shop/restaurant. As traditionally, the beer and FPO are included in the the fee.

Food is safe in Finland, water in most lakes and normal faucet water is good for drinking too. Beer differs in taste and in strength from US beers, typical percentage is 4,5% of alcohol. Strong alcohol can only be bought from special shops, which can be found from almost everywhere. There is no such thing as decaffeinated coffee. Coffee is strong when compared to US coffee-like product. Drugs are highly illegal and not permitted in the meeting.

FPO stands for Flack Panzer Oil and it is world famous amongst the online simulator community. No, you will not be told how FPO is manufactured...

Rules for the use of hardware:
§1 You must respect the wishes of the hardware owner in all circumstances.
§2 Do not touch to any hardware unless you have a written personal persmission from the hardware owner. Prior to the permission the owner will train you to use the unique hardware set (sticks etc). Each computer will have a list of allowed users.
§3 Computer configurations may not be changed in any way even if they seem funny or unlogical, many of us use the computer for work too.
§4 Eating and drinking is prohibited while using the hardware. The hardware owner can make exeptions to this rule.
§5 Respect other people using the hardware and do not disturb them or enter the no-go-zone around the hardware unless they ask you to.

In order to make Mosquito Meeting '01 a memorable and pleasent experience for all participants the arranging team has set up eg. rules for the use of computers and other hardware that all participants are expected to follow.

The tents are for sleeping and silent meditation, respect other people wanting a moment of peace. Additionally to the rules written in here common sence and set of unwritten social behaviour rules apply.

The MM Duty Officer can and will take necessary action to maintain peace and good atmosphere. In the worst case the participant may be excluded from the meeting and sent home at his own cost. No fees will be refunded in such a case.

Last minute checklist

Things you ought to remember before taking off in the trusty Junkers transport towards Mosquito Meeting:

  • If you're bringing computer, take the smaller monitor. Remember all your cables for power and network. Doublecheck. Take extra extension / dividing cords.
  • A big fan to cool off yourself and the con room is always useful. Bring hubs and switches for network. Make sure you got your Windows/OS system disks and drivers for your graphics adapter and network card, and that your network settings are ok.
  • If you don't like snoring people - remember your earplugs!
  • Mark your property, otherwise you might forget it when you leave the con.
  • Take your cutlery (plate, spoon, fork etc) if you intend to eat in the con place ;-)
  • If you bring a computer - before just putting it someplace check with organizers where is most convenient location so available space is used most logically.

Our highly honorable sponsors (carefully unsorted):

Sonera - The main sponsor for the event

iMagic Entertainment Network

Cornered Rat Software

Finnish Defence Forces

Compart Oy

Your ad could be here
For details about MM02 sponsorship please contact jukka.kauppinen@jmp.fi

The information on this page is subject to change without further notice. The Virtuaalilentäjät r. y. reserves all rights to change the pricing, programme and any other detail as necessary.

Page updated 23-May-02 URL:http://www.compart.fi/icebreakers/
VLeLv Icebreakers pages are sponsored by Compart Oy
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