- Callsign:
- Name:
Korva, Risto
- Date of birth:
- Nationality:
- Height:
183cm on the morning
- Weight:
- Hair:
- Eyes:
Only one
- Sex:
Rock and Rock'n Roll
- Marital status:
Wife ... is an ammoloader
- Children:
5 and 6 girls power (-99)
- Occupation:
Making things for people...secret
- Education:
Elekromagnetism 5 years
- Military background:
Finnis recon radioman
- Real-life flight experience:
DC9,10 and couple Russian Iljusin...passanger only
- Hobbies (other than WB):
PC games (driving, flying and shooting), family too
- Started Warbirds:
Offline 1996 online 1997 summer in MM97
- Why?:
I´m in heaven...somethimes
- Why that stupid callsign?:
Korva meaning ear in English, you know...korva is an Zombies idea, goodone...heh
- Favourite plane:
Spitfire IX, P-39D...just anything with guns
- Favourite prey:
- Favourite drink after a hard day's fight:
Boose and Pepsi not together
- Motto:
See no evil Hear no evil...
- Free speech:
See me on the skyes and think I'm hearing everything. Yes you can shoot me down, please.