- Callsign:
- Name:
Haarala, Tuomas
- Date of birth:
December 14th, 1973
- Dimensions:
Short, wide and heavy (1)
- Occupation:
- Education:
Almost houseclean, able to read
- Hobbies (other than WW2Online):
Ham radio, diving, electronics, underwater rugby, SciFi, r/c planes, motorcycles(4), engines.. Too much, actually.
- Started Warbirds:
Responsible for introducing WB to me was TNeck, who "forced" me to try flying online when he saw that I could hit drones with few pings when emptying full ammoload of Dora. My first flight online was, if I remember right, in February 1997. I have flown with Icebreakers since June of 1997.
- Quit Warbirds:
As the WB detoriated and company running the game made its best to ruin flight experience for those of us who fly axis planes, WB became boring. When I began to fly WB, I was happy to see how planes were modelled with hardcore simulation in mind. After a while, game was tweaked so that every moron could pick allied plane of their pleasing and be an "ace". IT'S NOT THE PLANE, IT IS THE PILOT, YOU MORONS!
- Nowdays:
I fly in WW2Online. And I feel good.
- About my callsign:
Tool for bashing idiotic lusers is called "LART", which is a acronym from "Luser Attitude Readjustement Tool", and as I prefer Dora, which is about perfect LART itself, I decided that that would make a short and nice callsign too. Logical choice would have been "pint", but I don't want to mix up my life and gaming too much. If you think that I consider myself as a "gods wrath from above", as I chose callsign "lart", you're wrong. I sometimes wonder if I am the luser being readjusted. (Nowdays, as my work and life experience have increased, I don't think so anymore. I actually am the gods wrath from above, and you are the luser. Bend over and say "please".)
- Favourite plane in WB was:
Focke Wulf 190-D9 About my tool choices: Reason why I prefer Dora, is because Dora has the feel of Tool - robust and powerful. Large fueltank, plenty of ammo, fast even with a bomb on board. I prefer german planes also because they lack the finesse, that's something that machine made for killing doesn't need. If WB would be a game about transporting people from field to another and serving warm meals during flight, that would be totally different situation.
- Favourite plane in WW2Online:
Bf110-C2 -- the plane is big, clumsy and heavy, packing alot of firepower. I like this underdog ride, as I feel that real ace has to be able to be victorious without any superior tools, using the advantages of tactics and knowledge of his ride.
- Free speech:
About me: I usually try to say what I think, straightly. This is just because I hate everyday soap-opera going on, when people have always to think "now what did he mean by saying that..". Though sometimes I have to slip from my policy, as some people seem to get offended if I say directly what I happen to think about them or what they are doing. :-) Even so, many people who know me, consider me as a nice guy, or then they just fake it very well.
About WB: My usual approach to situations is from above, though sometimes I just take a A8 and go rip some A6M's apart. (Yes, they turn well, and A8 is relatively a slow plane which doesn't turn well, but I don't need a good shot as one ping is enough.) This still applies
(1) They've said that I'm ugly too