- Callsign:
- Name:
Vainio, Joona Iivari
- Date of birth:
- Nationality:
- Height:
177 (5'11")
- Weight:
None of your damn business
- Hair:
- Eyes:
There were two last time I looked
- Sex:
Not enough (see next question for explanation)
- Marital status:
- Children:
One daughter, born 010491 (err... or was it 92? damn)
- Occupation:
Graphic designer, part-time computer game reviewer
- Education:
Master's degree from Helsinki University of Art and Design pending
- Military background:
Relieved from peacetime service for health reasons (too nuts to carry a rifle).
- Real-life flight experience:
As a passenger on DC-8, DC-9, Caravelle, Boeing 737, various others. Occasional VSTOL flight experience from the local pubs and nightclubs.
- Hobbies (other than WB):
Computer games (mainly flightsim and mecha), Diving (very rarely as I'm not crazy enough to dive in the Baltic), Reading (mostly military and hard SF like Bolos or Hammer's Slammers), Scale models (yeah, like I've had the time for the last 10 years), Arguing about politics, ethics and technical miltaria details over a pint.
- Started Warbirds:
April, 1996
- Why?:
Killing real people makes me feel good. As the current CO, ordering killer sheep to kill real people makes me feel even better. Getting killed by real people is nice too. Me like big steel things with big guns. Me tough (see "Military background" above).
- Why that stupid callsign?:
All the birds of prey were already taken. Lark is ok for me as it prefers to fly high and zoom low, shooting off its mouth all the time. Besides, it has some nice secondary meanings in the dictionary.
- Favourite plane:
Spitfire IX. A good compromise that allows knife fighting if I get too pissed to stay calm and B&Z. And it has style as well as substance.
- Favourite prey:
Another Spit. These are always fun as I can freely indulge in a knife fight (and win). There are easier targets, but not as enjoyable ones.
- Favourite drink after a hard day's fight:
Finnish lager
- Motto:
I'll think of something in two weeks...
- Additional comments:
Take your sodding questionnaire and shove it.